Monday, May 9, 2011

Nigel's Big Plans

He said his name was Nigel. He was sitting at a table outside the Poverello House waiting for the doors to open for lunch. I don't know why Nigel is homeless, if he is an addict or if he is mentally ill. I don't understand how he got from Virginia to Fresno, or even if he really did. But very quickly, this outgoing black man had my attention. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, nothing memorable. He appeared to have more teeth than his mouth was made to hold, and big smile that showed itself often. He was quick to introduce himself and was immediately curious why I was there. When he found out I was a preacher, he seemed to get a little excited, and we began a conversation about biblical matters.

I will confess that I did not expect much theological depth from a man living on the street. I figured he might have heard some preachers, or maybe picked up some religious statements from recovery meetings. But what followed blew me away. Not only was Nigel familiar with basic Bible facts, it was soon obvious that he possessed a deep understanding of the Word, and how it fit together. I listened as he walked through not only several characters, but how their lives and stories were interrelated. I listened as he talked about Biblical structure, wondered about God's reasoning behind the story of Job, and quoted verse after verse from the KJV in a rich, bass voice. Almost James-Earl-Jones-ish. He then told me that he loved reading his Bible. I commented that it was obvious he had read more than a lot of people in churches I knew. He said, "Well, I have a lot of time and not many distractions, so I just sit and read for hours."

He then changed gears, though, and shared his big plans. He had once seen a news story about a young girl who had a seizure-detecting dog. It was able to smell or sense the changes in her body chemistry before the onset of the seziure and would alert her so she could get help. Nigel was moved by that story. Enter Nigel the inventor. He wants to invent a device that could be worn like a bracelet that would perform the same function as the dog...and then some. He said his device would provide a two-hour advance warning before a major medical event, including heart attack, stroke, blood clots, etc. With his proceeds, Nigel wants to purchase a company, perhaps McDonalds, that he would then give to the government to fund Medicaid and other such programs for the needy. With his leftover money, he would build a community of houses for the homeless. Upon approval, homeless people would be allowed to move into the house and given $100,000. They would have one year to get back on their feet and manage the money. If, after that year, they had not done well or wasted the money he would evict them and move the next person on the list in for their trial year. When I commented that I might see his name on the news one day, he said, "Give me two years and I WILL do it." Gotta commend his positive attitude and his goal-setting.

And then he started telling jokes. They were not inappropriate or off-color. Some were - frankly - not very funny. But Nigel did have a good time telling them, complete with big belly-laughs after delivering the punch line.

Now, follow me back to something Nigel said, in the part about his Bible study. He said that he was able to build his Bible knowledge because he read often and long. But he said the biggest thing that helped this was that he had no distractions. Perhaps for many Christians today, that is the single greatest barrier in our own knowledge of the Word of God. We love the Lord and his people. We live lives based on the moral code contained in the Bible. We attend worship and give generously. But our lives have become so full and busy that even some good things become distractions (our interests, the activities of our kids, the stress of work, on and on). And those things that ultimately receive our time and attention become our top priorities. I talked with someone this week who is a couple days ahead of schedule on the 90-day Bible reading plan. I asked him about his impressions of the plan and the first thing he said was, "I have to MAKE time to do it." He is a busy man, running a large business, being a husband, father and grandfather, watching out for his aging parents. But this thing of reading a large portion of the Bible daily has become a part of his routine. He has found ways to lessen the distractions of life in order to make time with God a priority.

I am not ready to put my family in a tent and stake my claim on G Street. But I hope we can all take a lesson from Nigel and lessen the distractions clamoring for our attention and make time with the Word a big part of our daily lives.

And who knows...maybe Nigel's invention will one day save your life. Or at least his jokes might make you laugh, which the Bible says is good medicine!


  1. I agree...every time I get close to reading a distraction occurs. I have to MAKE time for reading and it should be the other way around. Still working on this one :-)

  2. Still a fan! You are making a difference-thanks for that!!!
