Monday, March 21, 2011

Here we go again...

So the last time I blogged, it was under the screen name "Chef Tiny" and I was working as a kitchen consultant for The Pampered Chef. Ok...I must admit, I never thought those words would come from my mouth. My career with TPC was short-lived, as was my first venture into the blogosphere. The first lasted about one year; the second was not even that long. I found my way into the wild world of Facebook and said goodbye to "What's Cooking With Chef Tiny." I found that to be an easier vehicle for communication with friends and family. And, honestly, it had become burdensome trying to put something fresh and relevant in print for all to read. It wasn't fun. It was a hassle.

As with many things, time away can be good. When I deleted my last blog, I said then that I would stay away until felt strongly about coming back. It seems that time has come.

I will say at the outset that I will not blog every day. Some of you are gifted bloggers, but I am not so inclined. I will also vary the content of my blog. Some days I may write things of a deeply theological nature.  Other times, I may use this blog to share a good story. And I may also use this to simply distribute pertinent information.

Beginning April 1, I will be trying to blog daily about a project we are undertaking at Woodward Park - reading the Bible through in 90 days. Each day during this project (hopefully) I will share something from that day's section of scripture that spoke to me or that might generate some good discussion.

Until then, well...we'll see what happens.

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me...not Preacher Tim, or Pastor Tim, or even Mister Tim; not Tim the jerk or Tim the superhero. Nope...just plain Tim.

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